‘Len White he was a very under rated player. I used to go as a kid and he regularly scored. A very powerful player and scored some great goals.’
‘I used to go all the time when Jackie Milburn played. I used to dodge in over the wall. I remember Jackie visiting the Labour Club and doing a speech – he was a very nice man, a gentleman.’
‘My Dad took me to the match when I was 5. I saw Hughie Gallacher play, he could pick up a ball at one end and go through the field – nobody could touch him! My favourite player of all was Alan Shearer.’
‘Bobby Mitchell – was just brilliant, if he had been born today he’d have made a fortune!’
‘My favourite player was Wyn Davies. My family got photos taken in ‘The Huntsman’ with the Fairs Cup team.’
‘Saw most of the Fairs Cup campaign including the Rangers match although I managed to avoid the trouble.’
‘I’m a Sunderland fan but I used to take my two sons to both Sunderland and Newcastle games. You used to look forward to a Saturday afternoon – there was never any bother and you could afford to go to the games. Sunderland one week, Newcastle the next.’
‘I remember Jimmy Scoular – The ball came over to me on the side lines, I threw it back to him and he swore at me!’
- Anon
‘I’m from Gateshead so your talking late Fifties/early Sixties. It was just as easy to get to Sunderland as it was Newcastle so I used to go to both. It got to the point where I had to flip a coin to decide who I’d support! I’ve been Newcastle ever since.’
‘I remember hoying the kids over people’s heads to get them down to the front. We also used to change ends at halftime. Walked by the side of the pitch, Gallowgate to Leazes End.’
‘Jimmy Scoular seemed to have the ball on an elastic band as it kept coming back to him.’
‘I’m not a big football fan but I loved Jackie Milburn. He was my favourite. I used to go when we (points to husband) were courting in the 1950’s I only went just cos I was in love! We used to be squashed in, all standing. Those were the days!’
‘I couldn’t get tickets for 1955 Cup Final but I went to Budapest in 1969 with the Supporters Club. I had a great time, the supporters of both sides swapped scarves. There were armed guards in the stations and all over the place. We went to a nightclub too which was different. Some great times.’
‘My First Match was against Everton in 1968 which we won 3-1. Tony Green didn’t play a lot for us but he was my favourite player.’
‘Jackie Milburn came up out of the pit, had a pie and a cup of tea and got the bus from Ashington to the Haymarket to play for Newcastle.’
‘I was going to the nuclear bomb test in Australia in 1947. This was Britain’s first test. I went in over the test ground after the drop.
I remember they played Charlton in the Semi Final of the Cup and we listened to the game on the ships radio on the way there.’
‘Jackie Milburn Testimonial – I sat in the paddock on a concrete barrier, they used to pass me over their heads so I’d get down to the front.’
‘The Robledo Brothers were the best players I have seen. They never got the credit they deserve. I can also remember the men lifting you over their shoulders and passing you down the front, they looked after you.’

Toon Times will culminate with a major Newcastle United exhibition at the Discovery Museum, Newcastle, although in the lead up to this event Toon Times wishes to reach out to all Newcastle United fans across the North East and further afield to get involved and share their memories, experiences, photos and memorabilia what people have collected over the years.
We are supporting the project by helping to collect NUFC memories online - fans can share their memories on the Replay Football website, simply select the Toon Times tag when submitting yours.
For more info contact the Toon Times Heritage Project Coordinator, Newcastle United Foundation, gavin.ferry@nufc.co.uk
Memory added on October 31, 2013
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