Half of - and sometimes the only - fun at St James's Park in the olden days was the pre-match and half-time unofficial entertainment.
Take the peanut men, brown coated, flat capped, walking the cinder track next to the pitch with their wicker baskets of bags of peanuts twisted into a cone shape. This was catering Sixties style. They utlised a call which was actionable trading standards-wise, not that those standards existed then.
It was "peanuts, big as coconuts, tanner a bag."
Sixpences would rain down from the banked and standing hordes, and bags would whistle back up with radar accuracy to the buyer. Sometimes a hand woud shoot up half way and snatch the prize. They also sold bags of apples for a tanner. Who would want, or eat, a BAG full of apples?
Sometimes four blokes would come round the track holding a blanket at each corner, collecting coins thrown from the crowd for some cause or other.
Delinquents would toss in lighted cigarette butts and before long a plume of smoke would be rising from the blanket followed by flames which brought a great cheer of appreciation.
All heart, that crowd!
Tony Henderson

Toon Times will culminate with a major Newcastle United exhibition at the Discovery Museum, Newcastle, although in the lead up to this event Toon Times wishes to reach out to all Newcastle United fans across the North East and further afield to get involved and share their memories, experiences, photos and memorabilia what people have collected over the years.
We are supporting the project by helping to collect NUFC memories online - fans can share their memories on the Replay Football website, simply select the Toon Times tag when submitting yours.
For more info contact the Toon Times Heritage Project Coordinator, Newcastle United Foundation, gavin.ferry@nufc.co.uk
Memory added on September 2, 2013
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